Chief Director
Branimir Handjiev began working at BIA since 1993. He has 40 years of experience and practice in the field of cooperation with international organizations and management of international projects, the first director for Bulgaria of the international TEMPUS and ACE programmes.
He coordinates and organizes the participation of the BIA and its members in over 50 international projects within the EU, ILO, USAID and under bilateral programmes
Member of the Executive Committee of BUSINESSEUROPE, NBIA (USA), PWBLF, European movement, BPA, MABDE, member of the Supervisory Board of the „Albena Invest Holding”.
Branimir Handjiev has participated also in the establishment and the activities of the EU – Bulgaria Joint Consultative Committee.
He has command of English, French, Italian and Russian languages.
Linked publications
BIA recognition for the assistance in preparation and conduction of the first Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU
+Conference „Role and significance of the Black Sea region and its connection with the Danube Strategy“
+With a minute’s silence in memory of Bojidar Danev started a two-day international conference for the Black Sea region and its connection with the Danube strategy