General Secretary of BIA from 1996 to 2018
Petar Denev was born on 20 July 1943.
He graduated from the University of Chemical Technology and Metalurgy in Sofia, with a specialty “Engineer Metallurgist”.
In 1991 he received a degree in the specialty of “Management of Science and Technical Development of Companies” from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia.
Petar Denev worked consecutively in the Non-ferrous Metals Works in Sofia as an engineer-technologist; in the State Committee for Scientific and Technical Progress as a senior specialist and director; and in the First Private Bank as an inspector.
From 1996 to 2016, he worked for the BIA as First Secretary, and since 2017 is Vice-chairman of BIA in charge Small and medium-sized enterprises and Universities.
Petar Dеnev is a Chairman of the Supervisory Board of “Elresours” AD; Member of the Management Council of the National Health Insurance Fund and of the “TU- 21 century” foundation. He is a Chairman of the Management Board of “Prophylaxis, Rehabilitation and Recreation” AD.
Petar Dеnev has various publications and is a co-author of inventions. He speaks Russian and English.
He is married with two children.
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Linked publications
Branch organizations meeting at BIA: A lack of analysis of the condition and perspectives for the food and drink industry