Expert International Economic Relations
Milena Stoeva is an expert International Economic Relations in BIA since 2011.T
Milena is part from Enterprise Europe Network, the world's largest support network for small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) with international ambitions.
Milena is specialized in consultations of companies in access to finance services, going international and in business and projects partner search for SMEs in Bulgaria and abroad.
Milena is specialized in business management and event management. She is responsible for organization of business events - specialized seminars, trainings, business missions and international matchamking events, meetings between companies in different industrial sectors in Bulgaria and abroad in all phases - preparation, implementation and reporting.
BIA is the only organizer of international brokerage events in Bulgaria during specialized international exhibitions at Inter Expo Center, Sofia.
Milena was "Communication champion" for Enterprise Europe Network Bulgaria in 2014. At the moment is part of Sector Group "Women enterpreneurship" within the network.
Milena graduated bachelor degree in “International Relations” and master degree in “Business Economic” at University of National and World Economy. She has specialization on “ Global management and public policy” and “Management of business organizations”.
She speaks English and German languages.
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Linked publications
ALIBABA will conduct for the first time in Bulgaria life webinar for the Bulgarian producers, traders and entrepreneurs
+Industry Matchmaking – IMM 2017 B2B Matchmaking during international specialised exhibition on machines, technologies and industrial equipment