SME Advisor
Teodora Sotirova is an expert "International Economic Relations" at BIA since 2007. For 2 years she was working as expert in Financial Intelligence in the State Agency for National Security (SANS).
Teodora is part from Enterprise Europe Network,the world's largest support network for small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) with international ambitions.
Teodora is specialized in consultations of companies in access to finance services, going international and in business and projects partner search for SMEs in Bulgaria and abroad.
She is an expert in innovation management in SMEs and certified consultant in enhancing the innovation management capacity for SMEs with IMP3rove. Her interests are related to business, innovation and financing management.
Teodora is responsible for the project management of EU funded projects within COSME, HORIZON 2020, SME Instrument Phase 1 and others. She has rich experience in all phases of the project management - application, budget preparation, implementation and reporting.
Teodora is part of the Sector Group "Food and Agro Industries" in Enterprise Europe Network.
Teodora had graduated International Relations in the University of National and World Economy and has master degree in Business Administration from New Bulgarian University. She has specialization on European Countries and Politics.
She speaks English and German languages.
Married, with two children.
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Linked publications
ALIBABA will conduct for the first time in Bulgaria life webinar for the Bulgarian producers, traders and entrepreneurs
+Design-Driven Innovation – training which teaches us to change the essence of traditional products