Bulgarian Branch Chamber of Power Engineers
Prof. Dr. Eng. Valentin Kolev is Chairman of the Bulgarian Branch Chamber of Energy Engineers (BBCE). Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at TU - Sofia.
He was born on 11.04.1959, graduate of VMEI (now TU-Sofia), specialty "Electrical Power Engineering". In 1997 he defended the scientific title "Associate Professor", and since 2017 he has the academic title "Professor".
Since 2013 he has been the Executive Director of "Electric Power System Operator" EAD; since 2015 he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of TU-Sofia.
He is the author of 85 scientific publications in Bulgaria and abroad; has dozens of analyses in the field of energy and electric power.
In 2000 prof. Kolev was a member of the Supreme Expert Council on the restructuring of NEC. Consultant to: the State Energy Regulatory Commission (SEERC); the Black Sea Energy Centre on the management of the quality of the commercial service of electricity supply; OVM ECH Institutional Building of the State Energy Regulatory Commission (SEERC).
Prof. Dr. Eng. Valentin Kolev is a Fellow of the American Society of Energy Engineers; a Certified Energy Manager by the American Society of Energy Engineers; Secretary of the Bulgarian National Energy Agency.