Expert, Regional Associations
Atanas Boykov graduated the Higher Institute for Forestry and Timber Industries in Sofia majoring in Wood processing machines and earned a post-graduate qualification in Foreign Commerce at the University for national and World Economy.
Since 2004 Atanas Boykov has been in charge of the contacts between BIA and the regional employers’ organizations. Prior to this he was a senior expert at the Forestry and Forest Industry Committee with the Ministry of Council where his main responsibilities included preparing, implementing, and reporting the complete cycle of foreign trade of the organizations such as Lesoimpex, Leskomplect, state industrial associations etc.
Some of Boykov’s main responsibilities include consulting and assisting the regional employers’ organizations and entrepreneurs’ associations, members of BIA with regard to their business contacts with the local and central administration, providing up-to-date information about BIA and current economic policy issues, as well as spreading good practices, training schemes etc.
Mr. Boykov is very experienced in dealing with nationally and internationally financed projects. He took part in the preparation, implementation, and coordination and reporting of projects funded by Working Conditions Fund with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Matra Kap programme with the embassy of the Netherland, Ministry of Council’s communication strategy, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA), Bulgaria-Serbia cross-border cooperation, Operational Programmes Administrative Capacity and Human Resources Development etc.
He speaks Russian and English.