The Employers’ Interests Protection Center at BIA conducts analyses, expert opinions and proposals in the field of tax, labour and social security legislation.
Representatives from the centre participate in the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation, the National Tax Policy Council at the Ministry of Finance, National Institute for Conciliation and Arbitration, the Supervisory Board of the National Social Security Institute, National Council for Encouragement of Employment, the Consultative Council at the National Employment Agency, National Council on Working Conditions etc.
The center offers Bulgarian employers assistance in resolving company financial and economic issues related to taxation, social security relations and labour disputes. Numerous cases of controversial interpretations of tax, social security and labour legislation implementation, as well as the related provisions have been resolved with the experts’ help.
The Center offers the following services:
- Consultations on tax legislation issues, Labour Code, Social Security Code, Occupational Health and Safety Act, as well as the subordinate legislation governing their implementation;
- Consultations on employment legislation and encouraging measures for employers;
- Expertise and mediation in collective bargaining and in resolving collective labour disputes.
Dimiter Brankov
Adviser to the Chairman of the Board
Grigor Dimitrov
Chief Director