The Center of Vocational Training at the BIA was established in 1998 and is a nationally recognized, licence holder, training organization for carrying out activities for professional qualification in full professions or parts of professions.

The Center issues a nationally acknowledged document for completed vocational training with acquiring a degree of professional qualification in 35 professions in over 60 specialties.

Guarantee for the high quality of the services offered by Center is the trustworthy potential of university lecturers, up-to-date equipment in study facilities and the long experience in the field of the vocational training.

Vocational Training Centre of the Bulgarian Industrial Association applies the introduced Quality Management System in the sector of Professional Training EN ISO 9001:2000 from 19 November 2007.

All licensed programmes include modules for acquiring basic skills, such as: language literacy in English, German and Russian languages; occupational safety and health at working; use of computer technologies, communication skills, team working skills, and etc.

The services of the Center aim at achieving sustainable market realization of the trainees by scaling up their qualification for getting employed by an employer or for self-employment via starting up their own business activity.

Each person having successfully taken the qualification courses at the BIA’s Centre has the opportunity to be included for free in the internal “employment market” of BIA’s system. This information system creates perfect environment for meeting the interests of our members – employers, looking for staff with certain characteristics and persons looking for professional realization in chosen fields. This initiative of the Centre is provoked from the desire of offering final products to the market and for the last two years it has given its positive results.


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