
Today, April 11, 2022, a Constituent Declaration was signed and the PLASTIC PACT Bulgaria initiative was officially presented, uniting branch organizations, companies and state institutions in order to reduce plastic packaging waste and utilize plastic as a raw material in Bulgaria's circular economy.

PLASTIC PACT Bulgaria is part of a growing global network, which currently includes national and regional PlasticsPact in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, Great Britain, Canada, Kenya, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, USA, France, Chile and South Africa.

The founders of "PLASTIC PACT Bulgaria" are the Bulgarian Industrial Association, Food Drink Bulgaria Association, Bulgarian Soft Drinks Association, Branch Association Polymers, the Bulgarian Chamber of Chemical Industry, the Bulgarian Recovery and Recycling Association, Denkstatt Bulgaria, Modern Trade Association and the Union of Brewers in Bulgaria. The initiative enjoys the institutional support of the Ministry of Environment and Water, the Ministry of Innovation and Growth and the Ministry of Education and Science.

PLASTIC PACT Bulgaria is the first and only platform in the Balkans that manages to attract such a widely represented professional community, concentrating expertise, knowledge and resources needed to achieve national goals in the field of waste management, as well as to support of the development and analysis of normative documents related to the implementation of the requirements of the European Green Deal.

The initiative is open to all organizations, institutions and companies that share the goals and intentions of the founders.

For additional information: Iliana Pavlova, Director of the Clean Industry Center at BIA, +359 2 932 09 21, email: ios@bia-bg.com



Date: 11.04.2022

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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