The Clean Industry Centre was established in 1995 as a unit of BIA with for the purpose of facilitating the dialogue between the industry and the administration, concerning companies, branch and regional business organizations, regarding the implementation of the regulatory requirements, decreasing the impacts on the environment and increasing the efficiency and the productivity.

The Centre develops expert opinions on normative acts’ projects for the environment and participates in their defending in front of the executive power and the legislative authority. It also participates in the work of the advisory boards and working groups at the Ministry of Environment and Waters, Ministry of Economy and Energy, Executive Environment Agency, standardization agencies, metrology, technical control and accreditation, Working group 22 at the Ministry of Environment and Waters for the integration of the European directives in the Bulgarian legislation, in the Permanent working group – Management of the environment at the TK 15 “Environment” and others.

The Clean Industry Centre initiated the adoption of ISO 14001:1996 and ISO 14001:2004 (Systems for management of the environment) as identical national standards (1998, 2005), as well as their popularizing and implementation in the Bulgarian industry. The Centre assists in defining and executing some of the best existing techniques and technologies in the corresponding sectors.

The Centre leads to clearer production through implementing low and cost efficient solutions, such as:

  • Trains, develops and implements ISO 9001 and environment – ISO 14001 of the Quality Management System. Conducts internal audits for QMS and Quality Management of Environment
  • Consults programmes for waste management, plans for management and use of organic solvents, financial evaluations of eco-damages, emissions of greenhouse gases, and etc.
  • Secures measurements for concentration of volatile organic compounds and evaluates the losses of organic solvents (mass balances)
  • Spreads information and manuals, related to the European requirements for environmental protection (over 50 publications –granted on request)
  • Issues a periodic electronic bulletin – Industry and Environment, intended for managers, experts, enterprises, branch and regional industrial organizations (registration could be done through and

Partners, Clients, References:

In the Country: Solvay-Sodi AD Actavis Jsc, Orgachim Jsc, STS Print SC, Gabrovo, 3X Belovo Jsc,  Kaliakra Jsc, Kronospan Jsc, Kremikovtzi AD, Lead & Zinc Complex Plc. Kardjali, Elma Jsc, Troyan, Niva AD, Biovet Peshtera AD, Assarel –Medet JSCo,  Belovo Paper Mill Jsc, Lukoil Neftochim Jsc, Shamot Jsc, Verila Jsc,  HemusMark, Buragas, Sun Rays Bulgaria Plc., Impregnacia 2000 Jsc, Euroshoes Jsc, Emka Jsc, Cumerio Jsc, Bulgarian Accreditation Service, State Agency for Technical Surveillance, Bulgarian Institute for Standardization, National Statistical Institute, Regional Environmental Centre, etc.

Outside of the country: - World Environment Centre, NY, LRQA, Cologne, AFNOR, France, Anglo Japanese American Quality, Environmental, Quality & Safety Certification Services, Bristol, Haskoning, Holland, CDM, Boston, Harvard Institute for International Development, UmweltBundesAmt, INEM, Regional Environment Centre, Budapest, AEA Technologies, UK, МХК Zletovo, Macedonia road Jsc, Factory Shinski  transport, Dimko Mitrev Ltd., Kiro Kuchuk Ltd., Veles, Republic of Macedonia and others. 

Address: 1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
Phone: + 359 2/ 980 30 55, 932 09 21
Fax: + 359 2/ 987 26 04

Iliana Pavlova - Director

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