








EU should fight insolvency stigma: helping businesses to bounce back

EU should fight insolvency stigma: helping businesses to bounce back

BIA takes the fees of the Registry Agency to the Supreme Administrative Court

BIA takes the fees of the Registry Agency to the Supreme Administrative Court




Reduction of administrative and financial burden on citizens and companies

Reduction of administrative and financial burden on citizens and companies









European Commission - Fact Sheet

European Commission - Fact Sheet



































Position of the AOBC on the Amendment to the Penal Code

Position of the AOBC on the Amendment to the Penal Code












Europe should counter cybersecurity threats now

Europe should counter cybersecurity threats now




Better governance of public finances and reforms in the social, health and banking sectors recommended by the EU Council for Bulgaria

Better governance of public finances and reforms in the social, health and banking sectors recommended by the EU Council for Bulgaria


European Commission reports on progress in Bulgaria under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism

European Commission reports on progress in Bulgaria under the Cooperation and Verification Mechanism







Kamen Kolev: Insolvency procedures are a few, but the indebtedness of companies is growing

Kamen Kolev: Insolvency procedures are a few, but the indebtedness of companies is growing












Withdrawal of the United Kingdom and EU rules in the field of copyright

Withdrawal of the United Kingdom and EU rules in the field of copyright




On the need for regulatory changes in relation to the implementation of the new Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

On the need for regulatory changes in relation to the implementation of the new Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)




BusinessEurope: Open the digital door and bring EU company law into 21st century

BusinessEurope: Open the digital door and bring EU company law into 21st century

Law and Internet Foundation signed a cooperation agreement with The Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business

Law and Internet Foundation signed a cooperation agreement with The Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business







BIA supports carriers' protest against the European mobility package

BIA supports carriers' protest against the European mobility package









Carbon Dioxide Quotas

Carbon Dioxide Quotas

Carbon Dioxide Quotas

Carbon Dioxide Quotas

European Funds

European Funds


Indebtedness 2009

Indebtedness 2009

Carbon Dioxide Quotas

Carbon Dioxide Quotas

The Year 2008 - a Business Perspective

The Year 2008 - a Business Perspective


Press conference for the size of MP3

Press conference for the size of MP3

Can Electronic Government Save the Bulgarian Economy after the Crisis?

Can Electronic Government Save the Bulgarian Economy after the Crisis?




Employers organizations present their priorities for year 2011

Employers organizations present their priorities for year 2011

Administrative Tyranny

Administrative Tyranny



Request for Enforcing Private Bailiff Action

Request for Enforcing Private Bailiff Action

Introducing an “Entrepreneur’s Electronic Register”

Introducing an “Entrepreneur’s Electronic Register”

Reforms regarding the improvment of the business climate

Reforms regarding the improvment of the business climate

Obligations of the enterprises of the non-financial sector up to 2010

Obligations of the enterprises of the non-financial sector up to 2010

Bad debt = crisis engine

Bad debt = crisis engine

Indebtedness in 2005

Indebtedness in 2005


2011th through the eyes of business

2011th through the eyes of business

Public Orders

Public Orders

Public Orders

Public Orders

Proposal for extension of the coverage of the bank services

Proposal for extension of the coverage of the bank services

Address of the Association of the Bulgarian Employers Organizations (ABEO) to the government

Address of the Association of the Bulgarian Employers Organizations (ABEO) to the government

















Introducing the Launch of “Come into the Light” Initiative to Combat Grey Economy

Introducing the Launch of “Come into the Light” Initiative to Combat Grey Economy

Measures to Combat Grey Economy

Measures to Combat Grey Economy

Press conference on the position of the BIA on the reform of the pension system

Press conference on the position of the BIA on the reform of the pension system

BIA conference in signing the agreement on the Draft Law on Waste Management (WMA)

BIA conference in signing the agreement on the Draft Law on Waste Management (WMA)

Indebtedness 2006

Indebtedness 2006

Introducing the Winners in “My Love Marks” Competition

Introducing the Winners in “My Love Marks” Competition

Center for Digital Innovations in the Industry

Center for Digital Innovations in the Industry


Budget 2008

Budget 2008




The Year 2007 - a Business Perspective

The Year 2007 - a Business Perspective

Bulgarian Association of Metallurgical Industry and Bulgarian Association of Recycling press conference about the changes in Law on Waste Management

Bulgarian Association of Metallurgical Industry and Bulgarian Association of Recycling press conference about the changes in Law on Waste Management




















Economic and Industrial Espionage in Germany and Europe (WiSKoS)

Economic and Industrial Espionage in Germany and Europe (WiSKoS)


























































EU's landmark rules for online platforms enter into force

EU's landmark rules for online platforms enter into force






MEPs back plans for an EU-wide digital wallet

MEPs back plans for an EU-wide digital wallet










Rule of Law Report 2022

Rule of Law Report 2022

December infringements package: key decisions

December infringements package: key decisions

EU competition policies need to acknowledge global challenges

EU competition policies need to acknowledge global challenges

Commission refers BULGARIA to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to protect and manage its Natura 2000 sites

Commission refers BULGARIA to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failing to protect and manage its Natura 2000 sites

Bulgaria among top 10 countries that imposed the most fine on GDPR

Bulgaria among top 10 countries that imposed the most fine on GDPR






List of contracts of public enterprises worth over BGN 1 million

List of contracts of public enterprises worth over BGN 1 million

European Commission refers BULGARIA to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failure to connect its business register to the EU Business Registers system

European Commission refers BULGARIA to the Court of Justice of the European Union for failure to connect its business register to the EU Business Registers system

Fighting organised crime – strengthening the mandate of EU Asset Recovery Offices

Fighting organised crime – strengthening the mandate of EU Asset Recovery Offices

Bulgaria and Romania will have partial access to the Visa Information System by July

Bulgaria and Romania will have partial access to the Visa Information System by July






EC: May Infringements package: key decisions

EC: May Infringements package: key decisions

U Justice Scoreboard 2022: ten years of monitoring the effectiveness of justice systems

U Justice Scoreboard 2022: ten years of monitoring the effectiveness of justice systems

Commission will phase out State aid COVID Temporary Framework

Commission will phase out State aid COVID Temporary Framework


Commission boosts protection of European craft and industrial products in the EU and beyond

Commission boosts protection of European craft and industrial products in the EU and beyond

Council of Ministers extends deadline for obtaining temporary protection

Council of Ministers extends deadline for obtaining temporary protection

Commission urges Member States to act on ‘golden passports' and ‘golden residence permits' schemes

Commission urges Member States to act on ‘golden passports' and ‘golden residence permits' schemes

State aid: Commission adopts Temporary Crisis Framework to support the economy in context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine

State aid: Commission adopts Temporary Crisis Framework to support the economy in context of Russia's invasion of Ukraine

Data Act: EU data sharing framework should foster investment

Data Act: EU data sharing framework should foster investment

EU companies need workable rules on Corporate Due Diligence

EU companies need workable rules on Corporate Due Diligence




Registrations and bankruptcies of legal units, Forth Quarter of 2023

Registrations and bankruptcies of legal units, Forth Quarter of 2023

BusinessEurope reacts to political deal on EU AI Act

BusinessEurope reacts to political deal on EU AI Act







BIA standpoint on the Draft Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria

BIA standpoint on the Draft Law on Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria


The chair of BIA’s Court of arbitration participated in the conference

The chair of BIA’s Court of arbitration participated in the conference "Arbitration in South-East Europe"




Agreement on EU due diligence: still far from a workable solution

Agreement on EU due diligence: still far from a workable solution



















European Citizens and Intellectual Property: Perception, Awareness and Behaviour

European Citizens and Intellectual Property: Perception, Awareness and Behaviour





Markus J. Beyrer: The European Parliament failed to deliver workable due diligence rules

Markus J. Beyrer: The European Parliament failed to deliver workable due diligence rules





Seminar on mediation in commercial disputes held in BIA

Seminar on mediation in commercial disputes held in BIA




Over 90 participants in training on

Over 90 participants in training on "Opportunities to resolve commercial disputes through arbitration"












The Commission approves a new geographical indication from Bulgaria

The Commission approves a new geographical indication from Bulgaria







Access to EU consumer group actions should support consumers, not law firms and funders

Access to EU consumer group actions should support consumers, not law firms and funders

FOR INFO: 2019 EUIPO Observatory Reports on Copyright Infringements

FOR INFO: 2019 EUIPO Observatory Reports on Copyright Infringements

2019 EUIPO Intellectual Property SME Scoreboard

2019 EUIPO Intellectual Property SME Scoreboard

Thomas Cook bankruptcy: Better consumer and employee protection needed

Thomas Cook bankruptcy: Better consumer and employee protection needed


EU legal and competition policies should acknowledge global challenges

EU legal and competition policies should acknowledge global challenges

50 actions that companies expect from the new Commission in the first 100 days

50 actions that companies expect from the new Commission in the first 100 days

2019 EUIPO Observatory Report on the EU IPR enforcement

2019 EUIPO Observatory Report on the EU IPR enforcement




Commission report: EU data protection rules empower citizens and are fit for the digital age

Commission report: EU data protection rules empower citizens and are fit for the digital age






Antitrust: Commission provides guidance on allowing limited cooperation among businesses, especially for critical hospital medicines during the coronavirus outbreak

Antitrust: Commission provides guidance on allowing limited cooperation among businesses, especially for critical hospital medicines during the coronavirus outbreak

BIA's statement on Art. 3 & 4 of ZMDVIP

BIA's statement on Art. 3 & 4 of ZMDVIP







General Data Protection Regulation shows results, but work needs to continue

General Data Protection Regulation shows results, but work needs to continue







European Parliament approves new copyright rules for the internet

European Parliament approves new copyright rules for the internet












'Wizard' cybersecurity expert charged with record hack of Bulgarian tax agency

'Wizard' cybersecurity expert charged with record hack of Bulgarian tax agency
















Subject: 01/2020 Recommendations of the European Data Protection Committee

Subject: 01/2020 Recommendations of the European Data Protection Committee

Subject: Bill amending and supplementing the Law on Measures against Money Laundering

Subject: Bill amending and supplementing the Law on Measures against Money Laundering


Subject: Draft Law amending the Law on Protection of Competition

Subject: Draft Law amending the Law on Protection of Competition

New EU Cybersecurity Strategy and new rules to make physical and digital critical entities more resilient

New EU Cybersecurity Strategy and new rules to make physical and digital critical entities more resilient








European Commission: Key infringements and decisions by policy area

European Commission: Key infringements and decisions by policy area

New EU copyright rules that will benefit creators, businesses and consumers start to apply

New EU copyright rules that will benefit creators, businesses and consumers start to apply


Poll: "Arbitration - an alternative method for resolving legal disputes"

EC for better regulation: Joining forces to make better laws

EC for better regulation: Joining forces to make better laws


Subject: Draft on the Commercial Law

Subject: Draft on the Commercial Law







Vaccines: contract between European Commission and AstraZeneca now published

Vaccines: contract between European Commission and AstraZeneca now published


BIA is against the Introduction of a 10-year Limitation Period for the Obligations of Individuals

BIA is against the Introduction of a 10-year Limitation Period for the Obligations of Individuals





By September 13th, non-profit legal entities must prepare a risk assessment under the LMML

By September 13th, non-profit legal entities must prepare a risk assessment under the LMML

Member States' compliance with EU law in 2019: more work needed

Member States' compliance with EU law in 2019: more work needed







Marine environment: Commission decides to refer BULGARIA to the Court of Justice of the EU over late reporting under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

Marine environment: Commission decides to refer BULGARIA to the Court of Justice of the EU over late reporting under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive









The Loyalty Оbligation and the Prohibition of Competitiveness among the Partners in Ltds

The Loyalty Оbligation and the Prohibition of Competitiveness among the Partners in Ltds





2020 Rule of law report - Communication and country chapters

2020 Rule of law report - Communication and country chapters











“e-Counter for the entrepreneur” – presentation




















The business will observe how the legislation is being applied by the administration regarding the regulatory regimes








The requirement for the declaration of capital for labor organizations, BIA returned to NCTC

The requirement for the declaration of capital for labor organizations, BIA returned to NCTC





EU Court: Bulgaria Breached Antitrust Law during Digital Transition

EU Court: Bulgaria Breached Antitrust Law during Digital Transition










Only a third of government agencies in Bulgaria publish financial information about public procurement deals

Only a third of government agencies in Bulgaria publish financial information about public procurement deals






The Forestry Act is back for discussion in Parliament

The Forestry Act is back for discussion in Parliament













Back to discuss the rules for retailers

Back to discuss the rules for retailers







Bulgaria ski development law sparks protest

Bulgaria ski development law sparks protest
































Bulgaria’s BULSTAT Register to Become Fully Electronic as of 2016

Bulgaria’s BULSTAT Register to Become Fully Electronic as of 2016












Bulgarian Municipalities to Amend Garbage Fee Calculation Method by January 2015 -

Bulgarian Municipalities to Amend Garbage Fee Calculation Method by January 2015 -

















Bulgaria Court Revokes 2015 Minimum Wage Bill

Bulgaria Court Revokes 2015 Minimum Wage Bill




















































ACTA rebellion

ACTA rebellion































































Nearly half of Bulgarian companies operate in the grey sector








The tyranny of the administration and its helplessness







Stricter control to be exercised over the access to companies’ files in the Commercial Register

Stricter control to be exercised over the access to companies’ files in the Commercial Register



More than 1,000,000 companies risk administrative liquidation

More than 1,000,000 companies risk administrative liquidation














EU Climate Change Commissioner Taps Bulgaria's Back

EU Climate Change Commissioner Taps Bulgaria's Back

