Number of the contract for financing: 01-0010-18-20036/01.03.2018

Duration of the project: From 01.03.2018 to 31.12.2018

Donor institution/ programme: National Employment Action Plan 2018, MLSP

Total Budget: 1 292 760 BGN

Overall Goal

Increasing the qualifications and skills of the unemployed, and in particular the long-term unemployed, enabling them to achieve more efficient employment and higher labor productivity.

Specific objectives

  • Support for the unemployed for active behavior on the labor market;
  • Increasing the employability of unemployed persons from the target groups of the Project and improving their prospects for sustainable employment through inclusion in vocational training and specific training related to key competencies;
  • Reduce unemployment among vulnerable groups on the labor market by providing employment in line with the qualifications of individuals and business needs;
  • Promoting interinstitutional interaction and social partnership and creating mechanisms for lasting partnership between training institutions and business.

Target groups

  • Unemployed youth up to 29 years of age;
  • Long-term unemployed;
  • Unemployed persons without professional qualification;
  • Unemployed persons over 50 years of age;
  • Inactive people willing to work, incl. discouraged persons.

Main activities

  • Organization and preparation for the implementation of the project - formation of teaching staff, preparation of the training schedule.
  • Selection of participants - organization and implementation of a procedure for selection of registered unemployed persons jointly by the "Labor Office" Directorates and the Center for Vocational Training at BIA-UBB.
  • Conducting training on key competencies of 420 unemployed persons and training for acquiring professional qualification of 1038 unemployed persons.
  • Conducting exams to complete the training.
  • Providing subsidized full-time employment for a period of 3 months to 10% of the persons involved in vocational training (104 persons) in the professions they were trained for.
  • Providing non-subsidized full-time employment for at least 3 months to 25% of the persons enrolled in vocational training (260 persons) in the professions they were trained for.
  • Reporting the implementation of the project indicators - summarizing and processing the results of the project evaluation questionnaires, preparing a summary dossier for the participants and the successful graduates, preparing a financial and technical report, disseminating the project results through the websites of the BIA - Union of Bulgarian Business and Employers of the Project.

Main results

  • 420 unemployed included in Key competency training "Learning Skills", incl. with the topic "Planning and Time Management" - 240 persons and "Team Skills" - 180 persons;
  • 1038 unemployed persons included in training for acquiring qualification in professions;
  • 10% of those enrolled in vocational training (104 persons) recruited full-time for a period of 3 months in subsidized jobs in the professions they were trained for;
  • 25% of those enrolled in vocational training (260 persons) included in full-time non-subsidized employment for a period of 3 months under which they were trained.

Role in the project: beneficiary

Geographical area of intervention: National

Partners: Vocational Training Center for Praxi Association, Vocational Training Center for Intellects Ltd., Vocational Training Center for Regional Business Center for Support of Small and Medium Enterprises Ltd., CTO for Apolly Invest Ltd., Vocational Training Center for Benio and Va Consult Ltd., VTC to "DOMEKS KONSULT" EOOD and VTC "Academy of Tourism - Sunny Beach" to "LEVAL EICH" Ltd.

Team: Daniela Simidchieva, Antoaneta Katzarova, Stefka Dobreva, Marlen Mollova, Teodora Borisova, Dragomir Dimitrov

Teodora Borissova
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 68, +3592 932 09 67
Stefka Dobreva
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldja Str.
+3592 932 09 69
Daniela Simidchieva
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 36
Marlen Mollova
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 69
Antoaneta Katzarova
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 69, 0899 639 182