Agreement number: VS/2021/0014

Duration of the project: 01.03.2021 – 01.03.2023

Donor institution/ program: European Commission

Total Budget: EUR 376 667.00

Role in the project: co-beneficiary


  • CITUB (Bulgaria) - coordinator;
  • BIA (Bulgaria); SEK (Cyprus); OEB (Cyprus); ETKL (Estonia); SIPTU (Ireland); The Malta Chamber (Malta); MBB (Malta)
  • ETUC, BusinessEurope, Concordia (Romania), SE (Sweden) - associate partners

Geographical area of intervention: international

Goals: explore the impact of digitalization on social dialogue at a national level and identify a number of good practices in the countries within the context of the digital transformation of the world of work

  • Raise awareness of how the implementation of the right strategies could bring clear benefits and added value for employers and workers by providing new labor market opportunities, new ways of organizing work, and improvement of work conditions
  • Support the implementation of the Framework Agreement
  • Support the delivery of skills needed for workers and enterprises to succeed
  • Support the creation of new approaches at a national level to adapt labor markets
  • Provide essential education and training
  • Enhance the role of the social partners by ensuring that the framework conditions allow and support employers & workers to benefit from the opportunities
  • Assist them in finding appropriate solutions to deal with challenges


Target groups: representative trade union and employer organizations at the EU and Member State levels & National and EU policymakers 

Expected results:

  • Research the existing strategies, methodologies, and practices related to the Framework Agreement on Digitalisation
  • Collect and analyze data at a national level
  • Organize and carry out 10 National Info Days for raising awareness on the subject
  • Develop, publish and translate a European Comparative Report on the impact of the Framework Agreement
  • Create a Catalogue of Good Practices
  • Others
Maria Mincheva
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 29
Svetlana Doncheva
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 26