
As the biggest employers’ organization and member of BUSINSSEUROPE, Bulgarian Industrial Association initiated the creation of considerable social forum for struggle with the informal economy.  We are convinced, that the unofficial economic is not an isolated phenomenon. It became epidemic and this erodes the state system and undermines the bases of the economic prosperity. Through the initiative “Come to Light” we will try to attract the public attention toward this serious problem in attempt to find mechanisms for its overwhelming.

Co-organizers of the initiative “Come to Light” are:

The Association of the Industrial Capital in Bulgaria;
Bulgarian National Television;
Nova TV;
Bulgarian National Radio;
Darik Radio;
“24 Hours” newspaper;
“Trud” newspaper;
“Sega” newspaper.

For the aims of this initiative was developed special internet portal (www.nasvetlo.net). The site will contain current analysis and news, regarding the informal economy and also will give an opportunity to the users to publish their opinions and proposals for mechanisms of bringing the black economy into light. Through special contact form the users could send signals for tax, insurance, custom and other financial frauds. Special place in www.nasvetlo.net is offered for the rank list of the insurers, where will be publicized official data for the average insurance income of the economic sectors. It will be made a rank list of the companies with highest or lowest insurance income.  There is an opportunity for inquiries, where the results of them will be periodically summarized and used for additional analysis of the topic.

Date: 02.05.2007

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