
BIA sent a letter to the Minister of health on the Draft Decree of the Council of Ministers on the Establishment of a National Council for Coordinating the Implementation in the Republic of Bulgaria of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control of the World Health Organization expressing the following statements:

  • The Republic of Bulgaria ratified the Convention 16 years ago - in 2005. Therefore, it is puzzling that the establishment of a National Council for its implementation is still under way.
  • In fulfillment of our international commitments, a number of amendments have been made to our national legislation, in line with the objectives, guiding principles and general obligations of the states set out in the Convention.
  • Several National Smoking Cessation Programs have been adopted: 2002 - 2005, 2007 - 2010, 2011 - 2015.
  • The main problem for achieving a greater impact on smoking cessation, identified in the National Programs, is the lack of sufficient financial resources, not the lack of coordination.
  • The draft Decree envisages the inclusion in the National Council of "non-governmental organizations" working to reduce smoking, without any procedure, as the only criterion for their selection is to have at least 5 years of experience in implementing activities to reduce of smoking.
  • Measures to limit smoking affect the interests of a wide range of people, including and outside the tobacco industry. The discussion of new measures should be based on a broad discussion

The above makes BIA express serious reservations about the need to create a new administrative structure, covering a significant range of ministries, represented at a high political level.

We propose that the draft Decree be withdrawn, as the very fact of the existence of Smoking Cessation Councils has not led to a significant change in the target results, and the main obstacle to the implementation of more effective health policies in this area is the lack of sufficient financing.

BIA standpoint on Draft Decree of the CM on the Establishment of a NCCI of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
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