In relation to the the proposals provoked a public debate on the BIA severance pay or retirement system of security and defense, BIA presscentar makes the following clarifications:

1. In any discussion of labor relations and insurance BIA does not in any way underestimate to national security;

2. We appreciate the need for adequate protection of the interests of soldiers and workers in the security system to effectively and efficiently provide external and internal security, protection of legal order, life and property of citizens and businesses;

3. Principled position is to all labor market participants to apply the same approach andnot allow tolerance and creating a privileged professional classes. Implementation ofmeasures and incentive systems incl. employed in system security should be based on appraisal and achieved concrete results, not on the line of historical mechanisms of equalization;

4. Negative demographic processes across Europe, incl. in Bulgaria, will inevitably lead to an overall increase in retirement age - in short or longer term. Public is fair burden of this process to take parallel (jointly) of all employed in the economy, no exceptions!

5. The change in the conditions for receiving the pension rights of employees in the security system must be accompanied by a change in the amount of imported state contributions for this category of insured persons to reach realistic levels, according to actuarial estimates of the Institute.

6. BIA notes that all matters of insurance and labor relations, incl. to working in the system of defense and security have a direct economic impact on all other insurers and insured persons (eg, the amount of contributions, cover the deficit in Social Security, inequalities required insurance and pensions, etc.)..

In relation to the announced desire for involvement of NGOs employed in the system of defense and security in the work of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation BIA noted that the possibility of association and representation of interests of employees in the sector is regulated in the existing labor and social security legislation which is consistent with the requirements of our country ratified by conventions of the International Labor Organization.

BIA supports the need for ongoing effective dialogue to resolve problems encountered by employees in the security sector in times of economic crisis. Dialogue is extremely important in the implementation of radical reforms in labor law, pension and health insurance to achieve justice for all insured persons and increase the attractiveness of pension insurance.


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