“BIA – Union of the Bulgarian Business” and Estonian Employers' Confederation signed today, November 1st 2006, agreement for cooperation. The document was signed by the presidents of both organizations – Bojidar Danev (BIA) and Enn Veskimägi (ÅÒÒÊ).

This document is aimed at the developing of the opportunities for cooperation between the business communities from both countries, and provides cooperation between BIA and ÅÒÒÊ in the following directions:

*Coordination of common activities in the frames of the work of UNICE and other European and international organizations in the sphere of industrial relations and social issues;
*Mutual participation in projects with European and international financing;
*Exchange of information and realization of business contacts between members from both organizations;
*Encouragement and assistance between branch structures from both organizations for realization of partnership relations;
*Organization of mutual trainings, seminars, conferences, exhibitions, etc;
*Realization of initiatives related to experience exchange, know-how, experts, etc;
*Stimulation of common investments and cooperation between members of both organizations for establishing joint ventures.

The presidents of BIA and ÅÒÒÊ are members of the Presidents Council of UNICE-The Confederation of European Business – the largest business structure in Europe, and both organizations have successful partnership relations on that level.

During the past years BIA and ÅÒÒÊ had accomplished many mutual projects in the frames of the work of UNICE, International Organization of Employers (IOE) and the International Labor Organization (ILO).

The present visitation of the Estonian guests in Bulgaria is organized because of their wish to develop their contacts with BIA and the Bulgarian business, in the context of the future full membership of Bulgaria in EU. As representatives of the business from this most developing country in EU with highest rate of GDP and best percentage of adoption of EU funds, the leaders of ÅÒÒÊ considered appropriate two months before the membership of Bulgaria in EU, to share their experience and knowledge on the issues that were pursuing them after their membership in EU. The Estonian guests showed special interest in the possibilities for improvement of the Bulgarian – Estonian economical relations in the frame of the common European market.

In 2005 Estonian investments in Bulgaria were 6.2 million Euros.

Among the goods that Bulgaria imports from Estonia biggest share have the electrical machines and wire telephony, followed by fish products and phenol resins. Our country exports for Estonia mostly furniture, wine, honey and liquor.

Serious rate of tourism is noticed in both directions – the number of Estonian tourists visited Bulgaria in 2005 has grown with 17.24% compared to 2004, and the number of Bulgarians who preferred Estonia for a tourist destination has doubled (93.92% compared to 2004).

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