The European Commission recommends concrete measures to support the social economy, which prioritizes people and social and environmental causes over profits. There are 2.8 million social economy structures in Europe, employing a total of 13.6 million people, whose aim is to address the main challenges facing our societies. They cover a variety of sectors, from social and care services to affordable housing, leisure and energy; and include cooperatives, mutual societies, non-profit associations, foundations and social enterprises.
The purpose of the proposal is to create favorable conditions for the flourishing and growth of social economy organizations and to raise awareness of their potential, in particular in terms of creating quality jobs, supporting innovation and social inclusion.
As a follow-up to the Social Economy Action Plan 2021, the Commission today presents:
- Proposal for a Council Recommendation to Member States on the development and implementation of social economy strategies.
- The Social Economy Portal - a one-stop shop website providing social economy organizations with information on EU funding, training opportunities and more
More information can be found in the document here.