The Commission’s ‘better regulation’ system is one of the most advanced regulatory approaches in the world. The continued improvement of the system over the last years has clearly helped us to achieve better results. It systematically assesses the economic, social, and environmental impacts of policy action and ensures a consistently high quality of proposed legislation. Given this Commission’s ambitious agenda and the unprecedented challenges we are facing, the need for strong analysis and reliable evidence is greater than ever. Therefore, we are proposing a number of further improvements not least to ensure our policies support the recovery and resilience of the EU and its twin transition in the best possible way the Commission will:

• Invite the Member States, regions, and key stakeholders to help remove obstacles and red tape slowing down the building of 21st-century infrastructure. This will help to speed up investments and the implementation of NextGenerationEU. Better regulation will play a crucial role in this endeavor and the Fit for Future (F4F) Platform2, will support efforts to simplify and make EU laws better adapted for tomorrow’s needs.

• By introducing a ‘one in, one out approach adapted to the policymaking in the EU, strengthen the attention of policymakers for the implications and costs of applying legislation, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

• Mainstream the United Nations’ sustainable development goals3 (SDGs) to help ensure that every legislative proposal contributes to the 2030 sustainable development agenda, and ensure that the ‘do no significant harm’ principle is applied across all policies in line with the European Green Deal oath; 1 OECD (2018), OECD Regulatory Policy Outlook 2018 (OECD Publishing, Paris).

• In line with the 2030 Digital Compass Communication4, better regulation will promote the ‘digital by default’ principle in forthcoming EU legislation as an important tool to support digital transformation;

• Integrating strategic foresight into policymaking will see to it that existing and new EU legislation is fit for the future.

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