The NSI reports that the total number of employed people in 2020 is 3 121.7 thousand, or 52.7% of the population aged 15 or above; 1 676.1 thousand (53.7%) of them are men and 1 445.6 thousand (46.3%) - women.
The economically active aged between 15-64 are 3,190.4 thousand, or 72.2% of the general population of this age group. The employed between 15-64 years are 3,024.3 thousand. Their employment rate is 68.5%, respectively - 72.5% for men and 64.3% for women.
The employment rate for the population aged 20-64 is 73.4%, or 1.6 percentage points lower than in 2019. For men, the employment rate has decreased by 1.5 percentage points, and for women - by 1.8 percentage points, reaching respectively 77.8 and 68.9%.
The employment rate for the age group 55-64 years is 64.2% (69.4% for men and 59.4% for women). Compared to 2019, it has dropped by 0.2 percentage points. For men, the employment rate has risen by 0.2 percentage points, as for women it has fallen by 0.5 percentage points.
The unemployed for 2020 are 168.6 thousand, of which 96.3 thousand are men and 72.3 thousand are women. Compared to 2019, the number of the unemployed has grown by 18.1%.
The unemployment rate has increased by 0.9 percentage points compared to 2019 and therefore now reaches 5.1%, respectively - 5.4% for men and 4.8% for women.
The unemployment rate for the age group 15-29 is 8.8%. Compared to 2019, the ratio rises by 1.9 percentage points.
The number of unemployed people who have been out of work for less than a year has increased by 30.9 thousand, or by 50.0%, compared to the previous year, reaching 92.7 thousand, while the number of long-term unemployed (out of work for over a year) shows a decrease of 5.1 thousand and 75.9 thousand. The relative share of the long-term unemployed of the overall unemployed is 45.0%, and the long-term unemployment rate is 2.3% - 2.6% for men and 2.0% for women.
The economically inactive people aged 15-64 are 1,226.7 thousand. 519.1 thousand of them are men and 707.6 thousand are women. The economic inactivity rate (15-64 years of age) is 27.8%, respectively - 23.2% for men and 32.4% for women.
The number of people between 15-47 who feel discouraged is 61.7 thousand, or 5.0% of all economically inactive persons in the same age group.
The relative share of early school leavers from the population aged 18-24 is 12.8% (compared to 13.9% in 2019).
The relative share of those with a higher education between 30-34 is 33.3%, by 0.8 percentage points higher compared to 2019.
The relative share of the unemployed and non-participants in education and training aged 15-29 is 18.1% (compared to 16.7% in 2019).