A preparedness website the UK government designed specifically for EU businesses trading with the UK

Message on Brexit that was sent from BusinessEurope out to Presidents Tusk, Juncker, Sassoli and the Finnish Presidency as well as the Brexit negotiators on both sides

COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION: Finalising preparations for the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on 1 November 2019 [en]

Withdrawal of United Kingdom from the EU – second phase of the European Commission information campaign for businesses

‘Brexit preparedness checklist’ for companies doing business in the EU [en]

TIMELINE for key EU contingency measures [en]

Joint International Business Groups No Deal Statement [en]

Questions and answers relating to the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union on medicinal products for human and veterinary use in the framework of the centralized procedure [en]

Withdrawal of the UK and EU rules on customs and indirect taxation [bg]

Withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union and EU rules on consumer protection and rights [bg]

Opinion of the Union of German Industries - Breckit and Transport and Logistics  [en]

Opinion of the Union of German Industries - Breckit and Trade in Goods [en]

Opinion of the Union of German Industries - Breckit and market access [en]

Opinion of the Union of German Industries - Breckit and Financial Services [en]

Opinion of the Union of German Industries - Brekits and Data Transmission, Information and Communication Technologies [en]

Opinion of the Union of German Industries - Breckeit and Taxation [en]


Commission DG TAXUD has launched a communication campaign nudging businesses to prepare for the “no-deal” Brexit scenario

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