800 million individuals could be displaced by automation and need to find new jobs by 2030 around the world, says a study by McKinsey Global Institute, quoted by BBC.

According to the study carried out among 800 professions in 46 countries, one fifth of the world’s workforce will be affected.

Data show that one third of the labor force in wealthy countries like Germany and the US may need to retrain for another job.

Machine operators and those employed in the food industry will be affected the most.

Poorer countries with less money for automation on hand will not be effected to such an extent, the survey says. For example, in India just 9% of work spaces will be replaced by developing technologies.

Occupations requiring human intervention, such as doctors, lawyers and teachers, are less susceptible to automation.

Specialized and low-paid jobs, such as gardeners and plumbers, will be less affected.

In the US alone, between 39 and 73 million jobs will be eliminated by 2030, but around 20 million of those people will be able to easily move to another sphere.

 In the UK over the same period, 20% of current jobs will be automated.

According to the authors of the report, new technologies will create entirely new types of work.

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