Bulgarian Industrial Association supports innovative companies with the following package of services:

  1. Analysis of the company using the IMP3rove*, including but not limited to:
    • External environment
    • Management and strategies
    • Organization and conditions for success
    • Innovation processes
    • Results and instruments for improvement

  2. Preparation of an action plan to improve the findings of the analysis:
    • What the company should do – internal changes, capacity-building, communication channels, and the like;
    • What BIA should do;
    • When external consultants should be sought

  3. Implementation of the plan with the active participation of the company’s management.

It is expected to have measurable results after the provision of the service package, for example: targeting the source of funding of an innovative project; application with a project proposal for European Framework Programs or national operational programs; boosting of the internationalization of the business; preparation of a business plan for the implementation of specific objectives; targeting a potential foreign partner; increased sales and job creation; or other measurable results.  

Interested companies are encouraged to send:

  • Expression of interest notices for participation in the service, signed by the chief executive officer. Please indicate the company’s UIC and a designated contact person.
  • Short presentation of the company and its innovative products in English.

BIA will hold meetings with the CEO and the project officer of the selected companies. 

 *IMP3rove is a specialized instrument for evaluation of the innovation capacity of companies, developed by A.T. Kearney and the European Commission, property of IMP3roove academy

Authorized licensed partner of the European Innovation Management AcademyIMP3rove 


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