On a Press Conference in BIA (8 July) were presented the alarms of the business on the issues of related to the European Funds absorption helplessness of the administration, the inefficiency of the public expenses and services, the burden of the activities which are supposed to be administration’s duties but are now transferred to the business, the blocking and the violations during the consumption of the European Funds and in general the “jamming” of the economy.

As part of the reasons for this adverse business environment to be created were underlined the following issues:

- normative insufficiency;
- lack of control over the implementation of the normative decrees;
- inefficiency of the public expenses and services;
- administration’s misappropriation with monopolistic rights;
- groundlessly determination of taxes and penalties;
- non-observance of deadlines and the use of “silent refusal”;
- lack of publicity and transparency;
- lack of financial responsibility, including penalties for the controlling organs;
- lumbering legal procedures;
- corruption pressure.

The Press Conference was attended by Snezhana Dimitrova, Director at the Council of Ministers and the Vice-minister of the State Administration and the Administrative Reform, Angel Ivanov, who had to answer journalists’ questions on the starting of the Regulatory Regimes Register which is supposed to orientate and help the business with information about the necessary documents, certificates and licences.   

(Photos from the event, Presentation)

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