The Center for the Study of Democracy, with the support of the Royal Dutch Embassy in Sofia, organized a round table discussion, dedicated to the challenges the grey economy poses on Bulgaria's economic development and competitiveness and the possibilities for implementing effective public policies in this area. The discussion was opened by the Netherlands’ Ambassador to Bulgaria Willem van Ee.

CSD presented its annual Grey Economy Index, which has been tracking its development since 2002. The round table discussed specific measures for reducing the adverse impact that the grey economy has on the business environment in Bulgaria, including its relation to corruption. The discussion featured presentations from representatives of the Bulgarian business, business associations, non-governmental organizations, trade unions, the Bulgarian government and diplomatic missions in Sofia.

BIA’s President Mr. Bojidar Danev made a presentation and stated that the gray economy is obsessive and infectious and is acquiring the characteristics of addiction, generating wide spreading financial basis for corruption.

The gray economy is convenient for the employers (non-registering the deeds, non-payment of VAT, excise duties and social insurance), employees, self-employed, administration, financial institutions, politicians and political formations (funding of political parties, PR, media, etc.).

The main tools for combating the gray economy are regulatory (including taxes), organizational, technological.

We would like to remind you that in 2007 BIA initiated with a group of national media a joint initiative, aimed to fight the gray economy.

See photos from the event

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