The informational product “e-Counter for the entrepreneur” was presented today, 8 November, during a seminar in BIA. The event was organized by The Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency (BSMEPA), the National Association of Municipalities in Republic of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Industrial Association. Participants were representatives of the Municipal administrations from the country.

PHOTOS from the event

The vice President of BIA Kamen Kolev put an accent on the necessity for reducing administrative burden on with 25 % till 2012, which is required by EC.

BIA actualized and extended the information in the informational product “e-Counter for the entrepreneur”, which is developed in 2001 in the frames of the “Reform of the administrative barriers for the SMEs” Project together with BSMEPA and the British know how fund.

The product aims at unburdening the business in relation with the administrative regulation and the cooperation with the institutions on a local level.

“e-Counter for the entrepreneur” will be granted from the municipalities of Bulgaria after an agreement with the BSMEPA.

The product can be downloaded from here.
Before starting it you must first save it to your computer and unzip it!

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