To: Mrs Irina Bokova
Director-General of UNESCO
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris


Dear Mrs. Bokova,

In my capacity of Executive President of the Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business, I would like to strongly support the nomination of Prof. Roumen Nikolov for the 2011 edition of the UNESCO King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa Prize for the Use of ICT in Education. He is a leading Bulgarian and international expert in ICT in education. Prof. Nikolov is one of the few Bulgarian academic people who works closely with the Bulgarian and international business organization for development and implementation of innovative ICT products and services. For instance, his team provided very valuable contribution to the national infrastructural project (BGN  8.9 mln)  Development of Workforce Competence Assessment System by Sectors and Regions funded by the Structural Funds, especially in development of competence standards and in information system design. This cooperation demonstrated the real value of the European projects results in the area of advanced ICT, such as the coordinated at national level by Prof. Nikolov EC Sixth Framework Project  TENCompetence: Building the European Network for Lifelong Competence Development and EC e-Content Project Share.TEC: Sharing digital Resources in the Teaching Education Community. Prof. Nikolov has been involved as expert and lecturer in the developments under the coordinated by the Bulgarian Industrial Association national team under the South-East European Program project LUDUS: European network for the transfer of knowledge and dissemination of best practices in the innovative field of Serious Games.

I would like to emphasize also on the active role and the international reputation of Prof. Nikolov gained during the International Research Program and Conference Children in the Information Age in the period 1984-1989. We will strongly support the activities of the recently approved UNESCO Interfaculty Chair on “Information and Communication Technologies in Library Studies, Education and Cultural Heritage” at the University of Library Studies and IT, lead by Prof. Nikolov, which aims at re-establishing such international program in Bulgaria.

All above said shows that he gained strong national and international recognition as one of the global leaders and experts in the area of “Educating Youth for Responsible Global Digital Citizenship” - the 2011 UNESCO award theme.
    Sincerely Yours,

    Bojidar Danev
    Executive President

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