Number of the contract for financing: BG05M9OP001-1.051-0006-C01

Duration of the project: 01.10.2019 -30.11.2021


Donor institution/ programme: European Social Fund, Operational Programme Human Resources Development

Total Budget: BGN 1 728 384,31

Role in the project: beneficiary

Partners: The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria (KNSB/CITUB)

Geographical area of intervention: National


  • The project aims to adapt human resources management policies and industrial relations to changing demographic trends and ageing workforce and creating prerequisites for the development of the so-called "silver economy" through active social partnership.
  • The successful implementation of the activities will contribute to overcoming some of the labour market challenges in Bulgaria in terms of labour shortages and the need to adapt enterprises and entrepreneurs to the changing needs of employees over the age of 54 and the introduction of the intergenerational approach.

Target groups: employers and employees

Main activities:

  1. Research and analysis in the country and abroad of social partners related to identified problems in the field of human resources management
  2. Development of methodological guidelines and sectoral strategic documents for social partnership and introduction of policies and practices related to identified problems in the field of human resources management
  3. Development, pilot testing and testing of innovative tools and models for analysis and adaptation of the work environment to the specific age needs of different generations of the workforce and the need for transfer of knowledge and experience between generations at work
  4. Activities to introduce and implement approved instruments and strategic documents on active aging and the intergenerational approach in enterprise practice
  5. Developing and signing a National Framework Agreement for the implementation of the Autonomous Framework Agreement of the European Social Partners on Active Aging and the Intergenerational Approach
Svetlana Doncheva
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 26