SharON project focuses on the support of collaborative economy stakeholders, essentially SMEs and social companies, in order to continuously gain the knowledge on their needs and deliver the effective support services to boost their development and achieve benefits from shared economy.

The major objective of this proposal is to increase the knowledge and provide advisory program among shared economy stakeholders resulting in better support delivered by regional/local authorities and in consequence discovering the potential of platforms owners and shared economy startups.

The main target group for the SharON consortium are SMEs, in particular, the companies and groups of people which represent the collaborative business and social platforms. The sectors covered by this project range from transport, real estate, fin tech, food, education & knowledge, open production and project design, retail, tourism and media. The project partners will adapt and match their activities to regional innovation strategies of regions covered by the consortium. The partnership will attract especially those SMEs and startups with potential for scaling-up their businesses. Special attention will be put on three subcategories of the target groups which will eventually become beneficiaries of SharON project:

  • Technology startups with ideas but no business model;
  • Existing SMEs, companies and organisations (foundations, associations) developing their collaborative economy business & social initiatives;
  • Mature and experienced shared economy players who already validated their business models and look for expanding their services.

Vesselin Iliev
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 54