The project is aimed at the development of the SWAN ecosystems, the development of environmental policies and strategies for improved solid waste management, and an implementation of a pilot value chain in the region of Attica.

Duration of the project: 30.11.2017 – 15.02.2021

Budget: 968 000,00 €

Donor institution/ programme: INTERREG BALKAN‐MEDITERRANEAN 2014‐2020

Geographical area of intervention: International

The SMecoMP project aims at establishing a strong and resilient knowledge alliance among Higher Education Institutes (HEIs), vocational education training (VET) centers and SMEs, in the progamme area, to promote eco-entrepreneurship, -management and -innovation by developing an educational framework based on solid research and the exchange of experiences and best practices and using innovative education and training tools and methods. The overall objective is to improve quality of education and enhance SMEs' competitiveness in the progamme area.

In this regard, the project has set the following specific objectives:

  1. report the existing and assess the required by SMEs in the progamme area eco-entrepreneurship, -management and -innovation knowledge and skills,
  2. review the available and develop new formal and non-formal educational training processes and other initiatives whereby the reported in (i) competences are acquired,
  3. develop an innovative learning framework, by collaboration of the strategic partners (HEIs, VET centers and SMEs), to support education modernization and SMEs’ staff lifelong learning,
  4. develop a learning-outcomes-based curricula jointly by the HEIs and VET centers and the labor market actors based on the identified SMEs professionals’ cognitive and training needs,
  5. develop and deliver tailor-made training modules adapted to eco-innovation entrepreneurial knowledge and skills required by SMEs staff,
  6. increase professionals and SMEs’ awareness on eco-innovation and sustainable economy practices,
  7. establish an active transnational network of academics, vocational trainers, researchers, mentors, professionals, spin off staff and new business entities to foster the integration of education, research and business,
  8. provide a self-sustaining implementation strategy to support the recognition and transfer of SMecoMP approach outside the Balkan Med area.
  • Universities
  • Business and SME Organizations
  • Vocational training centers
  1. Macedonian University of Thessaloniki - Department of Economics (Lead Partner)
  2. Federation of Industry of Northern Greece
  3. Bulgarian Industrial Association - Union of Bulgarian Business (BIA)
  4. Thracian University - Stara Zagora
  5. University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola (Faculty of Economics) - Prilep, Macedonia
  6. Agency for SMEs Macedonia
  7. Cyprus University of Technology - Cyprus
  8. Enterprise Agency, Cyprus
Iliana Pavlova
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 21