Name: Ready for digital transformation in joint actions of the social partners for the development of the specific digital skills of the workforce in enterprises 

number of the contract for financing: BG05M9OP001-1.128-0007-C01 

Duration of the project: 01.12.2021 - 30.06.2023 

Budget line: BG05M9OP001-1.128 - Development of digital skills - Component 2 

Donor institution/ programme: Operational Program 'Human resources development' 

Total Budget: 2 028 390.00 BGN

Goals: The specific objective of the project proposal is to create a specific environment, models and tools for improving the specific digital skills of the workforce in sixteen economic activities / sub-activities under NACE.BG-2008. 

Target groups: Employers and employees, including self-employed 

Main activities: A set of interrelated actions, which include research of digital skills needs by economic activities, development of digital skills profiles by key positions, testing of the current digital skills of the workforce through developed assessment tools of competencies and curricula for non-formal learning for the development of specific digital skills. 

Main results:

  • 16 reports with research results and analysis of the needs for digital skills in 16 sectors;
  • tested and validated 80 unified profiles for digital skills by key positions and / or professions;
  • 2 developed tools for testing the current digital skills of the workforce by economic activities, which will be tested by over 500 employees from 16 economic activities;
  • 16 developed recommended programs for non-formal learning for the development of specific digital skills in economic sectors;
  • 16 developed learning contents of e-trainings for the development of specific digital skills;
  • Developed and adopted with sectoral agreements 16 sectoral qualification frameworks for digital skills development;
  • Developed 16 guidelines for maintaining and upgrading the digital skills of workers in the sectors to ensure continuing education;
  • Communication campaign to raise awareness of employers and employees about the need to develop digital skills;
  • Two models and programs for social partnership in the field of digitalization developed and implemented in two economic sectors;
  • Over 500 employees trained online in non-formal training programs for the development of specific digital skills, according to the requirements for the profession / position

Role in the project: beneficiary 

Partners: Ministry of labor and social policy, Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria



Svetlana Doncheva
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 26