
Budget - 968 000,00 €

Donor institution/ programme - Interreg Balkan‐Mediterranean 2014‐2020

The project is aimed at the development of the SWAN ecosystems, the development of environmental policies and strategies for improved solid waste management, and an implementation of a pilot value chain in the region of Attica.


  • Development of an innovative Interactive Informational Platform to organize and connect industries or waste producers (municipalities) at regional, country and Balkan level to recycle their waste by selling them as raw materials in other industries.
  • Significant reduction in imports of raw materials, reduction of industrial waste and landfills, reduction more than 1% of CO2 emissions, etc., while helping to create new jobs, new business opportunities and promote green growth.
  • Creating exchange, mainly of by-products but also utilities and resources between different industries
  • Creation of a network between industries and organizations from all business sectors in order to improve the sustainability and efficiency of resources across all the spectrum of industry.
  • Tool for the dissemination of regional economic development, strategies and programs

Target groups

  • Resource policy makers
  • Waste producers and collectors
  • Industrial firms
  • The wider society


  1. Association of Municipalities in the Attica Region (lead partner)
  2. Bulgarian Industrial Association /BIA/
  3. Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change, Greece
  4. University of the Aegean / Research Unit / Department of Business Administration, Greeece
  5. Albanian Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Administration
  6. ILIRIA – Protection and Social & Environmental Development Association NGO, Albania
  7. Cyprus University of Technology-Department of Environmental Science and Technology
Iliana Pavlova
1527 Sofia, 76 Chataldzha Str.
+3592 932 09 21