
July 26, 2006 at the United Nations Development Programme an extended meeting of the Advisory Board of the Bulgarian Global Compact Network was held for discussing proposals for collective business actions in Bulgaria against corruption. At the extended session took part members of the Global Compact’s Advisory Board: Mr. Ivan Sokolov, CEO of Orgachim, and Ms. Elitsa Barakova, Executive director of Bulgarian Charity Aid Foundation, Mr. Vassil Mirtchev, CEO of VM Finance Group, Mr. Neil Buhne, and UN Resident Coordinator for Bulgaria. In the discussion participated also leaders and representatives of key business organizations in Bulgaria: Mr. Bozhidar Danev – Chairman and Mr. Kamen Kolev – Deputy Chairman of Bulgarian Industrial Association, Ms. Andriana Tosheva – Executive director of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria, Mr. Stamen Tassev, Executive director and Ms. Svetla Kaisheva, Deputy executive director of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum, Mr. George Chernev, Chairman of Sofia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Vassil Todorov, Chief Secretary of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The Advisory Board and the business organizations in Bulgaria cohesively and unanimously decided to initiate legislative changes that restraints the size of cash payments above 10 000 BGN.  Until the end of November 2006 an expert group will commence a review of the European and Bulgarian legislation and will prepare concrete proposals for legislative changes, supported by the Bulgarian business. The proposals will be endorsed by the Bulgarian business representatives in the Parliamentary commission for fight against corruption.

The second concrete measure, supported by all participants of the extended session is to conduct a detail review of the legal, trade, financial and other aspects that generate an environment for corruption practices in the process of goods’ movement. Based on this review a set of concrete measures for changes in the existing legislation will be made.

The two collective actions are outcome of a survey of all members of the participated at the session business associations, conducted in the last month initiated by the Bulgarian network of the Global Compact with the support of Transparency International Bulgaria.

For additional information: Ms. Elena Panova, Programme Analyst, UNDP Bulgaria, tel. 359 2 96 96 125, ålena.panova@undp.org; Ms. Maria Metodieva, UN Global Compact focal point Bulgaria  tel.: 359 2 96 96 152, maria.metodieva@undp.org; Ms. Maya Nyagolova, Manager Public Communications, UNDP Bulgaria, tel. 359 2 96 96 167, e-mail: maya.nyagolova@undp.org

Date: 27.07.2006

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