
The Council decided to update pensions from July 1 by 11%


At its meeting on May 14, 2024, the Supervisory Board of the National Social Security Institute (NSSI) decided to update pensions by 11 percent from July 1, 2024. This was done at the suggestion of the Minister of Labor and Social Policy and member of the Supervisory Board Ivaylo Ivanov. This percentage was laid down in the Law on the State Public Insurance Budget for 2024, and the amount of the planned funds for the modernization of pensions from July 1 is BGN 1,110.7 million. When discussing the decision, the need to take into account the legally defined functions and the independence of the members of the Supervisory Board when making decisions.

At the same meeting, Maria Mincheva, vice president of the Bulgarian Industrial Association, was elected as the new chairperson of the Supervisory Board of the NSSI. According to the provisions of the Social Security Code, the chairmanship of the Supervisory Board of the National Insurance Institute has a mandate of one year and is handed over on a rotating basis between the three parties participating in it - executive power, employers' organizations and trade unions. Kalina Petkova from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy stands as the representative of the executive power in the position of deputy chairperson of the council, Asya Goneva - Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria remains the deputy chairperson from the union quota.

New representatives of the state in the Supervisory Board of NSSI, in addition to Social Affairs Minister Ivaylo Ivanov, are also Svetozar Vasilev, Chief Secretary of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, and Zhelyaz Enev, Director of the Directorate "Economic Policy" in the Ministry of Economy and Industry.

Date: 15.05.2024

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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