
The Board of BIA approved the annual financial statements and activity reports for 2022 of BIA, BIA Properties Ltd. and Bozhidar Danev Publishing House Ltd.

At the regular meeting of the Management Board (MB) of the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) held today (14.06.2023), the annual financial statements and the reports on the activities in 2022 of BIA, BIA Property Ltd. and Publishing House Bozhidar Danev Ltd. were adopted.

The members of the Management Board approved the Work Plan of the Management Board of the BIA for the second half of 2023 and heard a report with the main highlights of the operational activities of the BIA in the period after the previous meeting of the Management Board (05.04.2023 - 14.06.2023).

One branch organization and 15 companies were accepted as members of BIA today.

The next sitting of the Board is scheduled for September. 

Date: 14.06.2023

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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