
The General Assembly of the International Organization of Employers was held on 11 June 2023. It was attended by a delegation of Bulgarian employers led by Tsvetan Simeonov, Chairman of the BCCI Board and Rotating President of the Association of the Organizations of Bulgarian Employers (AOBE) for 2023, as a delegate during the 111th Session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva.

The meeting was opened by Michele Parmelee, President of the IOE, who welcomed participants, saying that despite the official end of the COVID pandemic, the negative impact on supply chains was still being felt. Parmelee also highlighted the geopolitical turmoil that is impacting the world of work.

Roberto Suarez, Secretary-General of the IOE, presented the Annual Report of the organization /2022-2023/, highlighting the work carried out - over 25 events, 8 regional meetings, 17 working groups, 54 publications, preparation of numerous position papers, statements and documents.

Renate Hornung-Draus, IOE Vice President to the International Labour Organization, presented the latest developments in ILO activities, focusing on the initiative to establish a Global Coalition for Social Justice, the ILO programme and budget, and the topics for the next session of the ILC.

The General Assembly continued with a discussion forum on the theme of challenges facing employers' organizations.

Date: 12.06.2023

Source: Association of Bulgarian employers' organizations

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