
The American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria presented its report "Decarbonisation options for the Bulgarian power sector 2022 - 2050" to the Association of Organizations of Bulgarian Employers (AOBE). The meeting was attended by Dobri Mitrev, President of the Board of the Bulgarian Industrial Association and rotating Chairman of AOBE, Vasil Velev, Chairman of the Board of the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association (BICA), Vasil Todorov, Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Ivaylo Naidenov, Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers (BFIEC), member of KRIB.

On behalf of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria were present: Krassimir Nenov, Co-Chair of the Energy and Mineral Resources Committee, Petar T. Ivanov, CEO and Ivan Tsankov, Member of the Energy and Mineral Resources Committee.

Krassimir Nenov presented the main positions, conclusions and direction for possible decarbonization of the electricity system of Bulgaria while following a strategic approach for a responsible energy transition. It does not favor any of the available technologies for achieving decarbonisation, guided by the use of objective data and confirmed assumptions derived from some of the current documents on energy development and climate protection, adopted by the European Commission and Bulgaria. These are the National Plan "Climate Energy", the plan "Fit for 55" of the EC from 2021, as well as the EU Reference Scenario for 2020.

The report first identifies and models possible options for the transition to a low-carbon energy sector. As a result, recommendations are made for building the necessary investment framework to attract the necessary investments and ensure a smooth energy transition.

The report analyzes these key performance indicators: installed capacity, flexibility, investment, emissions and costs. As a result, the three scenarios were prepared, and 5 sub-variants were developed for one of them, based on sensitivity analysis.

About the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria

The American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria (AmCham Bulgaria) has been the voice of the Transatlantic Economy in Bulgaria for over 27 years. It unites over 300 American, multinational and Bulgarian companies with a proven reputation.

The Chamber is a member of the AmChams in Europe (ACE) and is a partner of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington. Supports the 2019 Three Seas Initiative.

Date: 10.03.2022

Source: Association of Bulgarian employers' organizations

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