
Thanks to the partnership between the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) and the InDemand-RCT project, 14 new challenges on topics related to the need for innovation, digitalization and response to the covid-19 pandemic have been published on the BIA platform for open innovations.

The new challenges are:

1. A3 - Calculate, Share & Reduce

Dual aim: calculate scope 3 carbon footprint emissions from a business and drastically decrease them through a platform on which employees can share business travel information.

2. Verification of the quality of capers on the inside without damaging the product

Detection of defects in capers without damaging the product.

3. Use of innovative techniques to increase production of biliproteins in spirulina plantations (Arthrosphira platensis)

Using new technologies designed for photobioreators will allow us to optimise cultivation parameters, such as light and temperature, which are key to achieving levels of up to 15% in C-Phycocianin production.

4. Bring added value to sub-products obtained at oil mill during production of olive oil

The solution to our challenge will eliminate transportation of subproducts produced at the mill as much as possible. This will facilitate standardisation of olive oil production process costs. In addition, we aim to bring added value to sub-products such as organic amendments or basal dressing fertilizer suitable for use in ecological farming.

5. Monitoring and control of production parameters based on SCADA-type systems aimed at improving film extrusion processes and manufacture of flexible packaging

The aim is to take steps forward in the creation of solutions that permit registration of parameters of variables that alter over time in EVERSIA production equipment: extrusion machines, cutting machines, laminators, printers, etc. Production speed is currently measured but other critical indicators for process improvement are not obtained (temperature, levels, weighing and filling, real-time electrical consumption, meters, etc.). The aim is to attain a greater number of indicators.

6. Electrical consumption baselines with load disagregation

The challenge consists of developing a process or service that provides an electrical consumption baseline for clients based on historial data, patterns, profiles and other applicable variables, such as time of the year and temperature. Load disagregation in homes and small businesses will be possible. That is, information indicating which household appliances or devices are the source of consumption (fridge, air conditioning, electrical heater, oven, etc.).

7. Invoice comparison system

The firm needs to develop an automatism to analyse and compare clients' electricity bills.

We aim to achieve the most simple solution possible for clients such that, by simply uploading an existing supplier bill, we can automatically analyse and compare our prices and issue a PDF with the results/analysis of that comparison.

8. Reduction of CO2 emissions through capture

The aim is to decrease carbon footprints with a view to decreasing CO2 emissions and minimising environmental impacts. The best available energy efficiency techniques have already been implemented. The aim now is to achieve direct CO2 capture prior to emission. The objective includes decreasing current emissions by 20%.

9. Production of water with an electrical conductivity under 50 microS/cm by means of osmosis and using well water rather than osmosis with mains water and cold evaporation of wastewater

The issue lies in the need for 135,000 m3 of water/year for production at the lowest possible price and without sacrificing direct use of this water for human consumption based on the availability of sufficient well water and the necessary technology for zero waste. Depending on the price of mains water, in excess of 2 €/m3, it makes evaporating waste to obtain solid dry salts for a circular economy possible.

10. Communication and translation system for hospital-grade transparent facemasks

A dual cavity transparent facemask has been developed in order to prevent contagion whilst facilitating fluid communication by showing facial expressions (this facilitates lip reading) and that

requires an add-on to a) facilitate voice projection and b) facilitate communication between speakers of different languages.

11. Employee portal 3.0. A platform for digitalising and automating HR departments

A platform for HR department digitalisation and automation.

12. Inclusion of a new DICOM viewer on a tele-medicine platform

Incorporation of a new radiological image viewer onto an existing platform so that all kinds of distance viewing and diagnosis reports can be generated.

13. Automation of cement production through data analysis

The production process includes clinker cement, plaster and other raw materials in different proportions and of different sizes depending on the type of cement that is required. Controls

are performed through SCADA, which is fed a range of parameters that are updated by the panel operator based on laboratory analysis results delivered on an hourly basis (SO3, CO2 and size).

14. Chemical and antimicrobiological treatment of water for industrial facilities with a range of end needs depending on use

The issue consists of combining water sources (mains water and others), mixing them, chemical and microbiological conditioning, and distribution to different production lines with different

requirements in terms of cationes, aniones and pH content. The aim is to achieve zero corrosion across all parts of the facility over the coming 15 years and reach acceptable electrical conductivity and microbiological conditions, particularly in the most critical elements at the plant.

BIA's open innovation platform connects companies and institutions with startups to solve a specific problem or develop a new solution in a specific area.

We are here to:

  • support business and administration to find new innovative solutions to existing or emerging problems;
  • provide an opportunity for startups to cooperate and partner with large companies;
  • we improve the process of open innovation in Bulgaria;
  • support the better development of the innovation ecosystem

To view the full description of a challenge and apply, you must first register on the platform HERE.

Date: 25.11.2021

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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