
The Association of Organizations of Bulgarian Employers wants budget 2022 to include funds for financing policies to overcome the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and energy crisis. In their recommendations to the state budget the four nationally representative organizations call for providing resources for improvement of the business environment as well as opportunities to provide economic growth in Bulgaria. This became clear during a meeting initiated by the Bulgarian Socialist Party and AOBE.

According to employers’ organizations regardless of the intricate political situation the debates on priorities and policies of budget 2022 should be on the agenda and must be submitted and voted as soon as possible when the new parliament is constructed.

AOBE identifies the policies related to anti-crisis measures, including accelerated investment of European funds, were identified as extremely important. Among them are maintaining the measure for maintaining employment, applying a measure for financing the fixed costs of enterprises with a decrease in sales revenues over 30% compared to those implemented in 2019, which will support the liquidity of Bulgarian enterprises, as well as measures to compensate of Bulgarian enterprises for the unprecedentedly high prices of electricity and natural gas.

Employers’ representatives categorically announced their support for maintaining tax stability while maintaining the levels of tax rates and the levels of social security contributions for 2022. According to AOBE, this is one of the main factors for encouraging investment and providing conditions for economic growth.

Date: 13.10.2021

Source: Association of Bulgarian employers' organizations

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