
New research on the qualities of beer sheds light on the effects of moderate beer consumption on women. According to a study by the Salgren Academy - a research center at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, two mugs of beer weekly reduces the risks of heart attacks of women and also makes them happier. Similar results are shown by studies conducted by the Universities of Cambridge and London and published in the British Medical Journal.

Experts note that moderate use is the key factor for the absorption of nutrients in beer and that the positive effects are even more pronounced in soft beer. The results show that women who drink beer once or twice a week reduce the risk of heart attacks by 30% compared to those who drink larger amounts or do not drink alcohol at all. The study lasted nearly 50 years with a sample of 1,500 women. It explored the specifics of beer consumption, wine, and other alcoholic beverages.

The positive conclusions are not unexpected if we consider other studies examining the relationship between beer consumption and women's well-being. Researchers at the Friedrich-Alexander University in Erlangen, Germany, examined 13,000 nutrients and whether they stimulated the "reward system" in the brain and thus made people feel good. They found that chordenine, which is part of malt and beer, respectively, has a strong effect in this direction. Unlike dopamine, chordenine even activates receptors in a way that leads to a longer-lasting effect on the 'reward system'. Experts specify that the substance is present not only in traditional beer but also in its non-alcoholic versions.

Scientific evidence suggests that the topic of women's beer consumption can result in numerous interesting and unexpected findings. According to a nationally representative survey from the end of 2020, every fifth Bulgarian woman evaluates beer as a suitable beverage option. The study was conducted by the marketing research agency Ipsos on behalf of the Brewers' Union. The findings on the beer consumption of Bulgarian ladies are also intriguing. Every second woman in our country claims to drink beer at least once a month, and 35% enjoy it at least once a week.

The Executive Director of SPB Ivana Radomirova shared: "More and more research shows that stereotypes about beer, especially among females, are gradually changing given the scientific facts and attitudes of younger generations. Dozens of national and international surveys, which are also the focus of the National Beer Academy, respond to the growing interest of consumers in the category. However, we need to make it clear that the emphasis must always be placed on responsible and moderate consumption. For women, that means one beer a day, but no more than five times a week.

The average frequency of beer consumption in the country is 4 times a month and varies from 3-5 times according to the age group. Most often, women between 30-39 drink beer and do so almost 5 times a month. The consumption of 20-to 29-year-old young women is similar. When we look For 2020, women from Varna are the biggest consumers of beer with an average of 5.3 times a month, followed by Ruse and Montana - 4.7 times. So far, 19% of Bulgarian women believe that moderate beer consumption is part of a healthy lifestyle.

Research data show that females are more moderate and responsible consumers who strive for a balanced and healthy lifestyle. They prefer low-alcohol beverages such as beer which explains their increased interest in its non-alcoholic alternative.

Date: 23.03.2021

Source: Union of Brewers in Bulgaria

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