
The University of National and World Economy, in partnership with the Bulgarian Industrial Association, INTERKRES, PAIZ Consulting, EFFEBI Association, Fachhochschule des Mittelstands, CESPIM and FMT Ltd. have launched the new website for the ongoing project ‘Enhance Adult Learners Digital Skills for Furniture Industry – DigiFInd’ under the ‘Erasmus +’ Program. You can find the published results from the finished activities at: http://digifind.unwe.bg/index.php/results/

DigiFind project was awarded a quality certificate during the conference “20 Years Human Resources Development Center “Erasmus +” Changing Life, Opening Minds”, held in Sofia on 6 December 2019. The Human Resource Development Center, within the framework of the National Erasmus + Agency, and the European Solidarity Corps Program on the committee organized the event.

The project has a total value of EUR 256 thousand and is 100% funded by European funds. The aim of the project is to create better conditions for adult educators in the furniture industry in the field of digital skills by creating training programs, educational materials and innovative learning support tools. The main target groups are: Adult learning and trainers organizations; Providers of digital competence training; Higher education institutions (HEIs); Research centers and others. The project is with duration 36 months and is expected to finish the second half of 2021.

Date: 30.10.2020

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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