
At a press conference in the hall of the Municipal Council - Vratsa, the results achieved under the project EDU-LAB “New Danubian governance in labor market relevance of higher education were taken into account”.

The meeting was opened by Deputy Mayor Maria Popova, who thanked the project partners for the good cooperation with the local administration.

“EDU-LAB is one of the levers for implementing part of our main priorities, namely to make Vratsa a preferred place for living and realization of young people and families. The participation of partners from other European countries has enabled us to learn from their experience as they are veterans in developing and implementing this form of training, taking university curricula and programs in line with business needs, and I hope we will continue to work together to make such successful projects”,  added Maria Popova.

The event continued with the presentation of the results of Working Package 6 within which the pilot activities of the project were introduced. The presentation was made by Marin Stoyanov from the Bulgarian Industrial Association. The director of the Marketing, Programs and Projects Directorate has introduced the participants to the specific objectives accomplished so far.

The main purpose of the meeting was to present the introduced models for more practical training of staff and their needs.

The press conference was attended by representatives of the focus groups, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, hoteliers and entrepreneurs.

Date: 28.03.2019

Source: Modern Vratza

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