
The Bulgarian Industrial Association invariably supports as its sustainable policy the support for the establishment of regional scientific and production structures in Bulgaria. This is also a very necessary support for the competitiveness of local businesses with a view to introducing innovations in production and services and enhancing the economic potential of municipalities and regions.

In pursuance of this policy, on January 29, BIA hosted a workshop to present and discuss the concept of the Ministry of Economy for a forthcoming procedure for the establishment of Regional Innovation Centers to be funded under the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness”. The forum was attended by Deputy Minister of Economy Lilia Ivanova and experts from the Ministry of Economy.

The discussion started with the presentation of the vision and the concept of the Ministry of Economy and the Managing Authority of the Operational Program “Innovation and Competitiveness”, and the main lecturer was Kalin Marinov - Deputy Director of the Directorate General “European Funds for Competitiveness” at the Ministry of Economy.

Representatives of the workshop initiators - Industrial Cluster Mechatronics and Automation, Srednogorie Industrial Cluster, EVIC and Innovative Cluster “Simulation Models in Medicine” took part in the discussions. Representatives of regional associations and branch organizations, members of BIA, scientific organizations, higher schools, innovative companies and non-governmental organizations were also actively involved.

The focus of the discussion was on identifying the specific needs of business and science, as well as receiving feedback (suggestions, recommendations, opinions) on the parameters of the procedure - eligible applicants, eligible actions, eligible costs, budget of the procedure, amount of free financial assistance, ratio of free and non-contributory component to funding, etc.

The participants shared an opinion on the usefulness of the meeting at this stage of specifying the parameters of the procedure. It was agreed that the operations unit of the Programme would be sent additional proposals to improve the procedure and related documents.

Date: 30.01.2019

Source: Bulgarian Industrial Association

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