
BIA took over the rotating presidency of Association of the organizations of the Bulgarian Employers (AOBE) for 2018.

At a meeting of the Managing board of the Association of the organizations of the Bulgarian Employers (AOBE), held on 11 January 2018, the Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA) took over the rotating presidency of AOBE for 2018.

Members of AOBE are the nationally representative employers’ organizations – Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association (BICA), Bulgarian Industrial Association – Union of the Bulgarian Business (BIA), Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) and Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (CEIB).

During the meeting the current rotating chair of AOBE – the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association, reported on the activity of AOBE in 2017. For the reporting period, AOBE has prepared and submitted to the respective competent institutions and to the public 40 position papers, letters, complaints and signals. In addition, two press conferences and 15 meetings with representatives of the executive, legislative and judiciary were held. The main topics addressed by AOBE in 2017 relate to the state of labor market and human resources, business climate, tax and social security policy, energy reform, etc. In 2017 AOBE took steps to accelerate the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Meanwhile, the Executive Council of the Business and Industry Advisory Committee of the OECD (BIAC) approved AOBE’s application for membership in the BIAC as an observer. The membership came into force in January 2018.

Current issues subject to relevant action and response from the AOBE were discussed during the meeting, including the preparation of the state admission plan for vocational schools for the school year 2018/2019, proposals for legislative changes in the field of ecology, reforms in the security sector and others.

The main discussion topic during the meeting was the increase of electricity prices and the need for effective actions of Bulgarian employers aimed at overcoming the deepening problems. A decision was taken to hold a protest together with the nationally representative trade unions, as well as organizations on a sectoral and regional level. The working proposal for the date of the protest is the 31st of January, subject to further coordination between the organizations, including within their governing bodies.

In addition to finalizing the date of the protest and its parameters, the AOBE will coordinate and approve its priorities for 2018, which will be officially presented at a press conference scheduled for the 22nd of January 2018, Monday, at 11:00, at the Press Club of BTA.  

Date: 12.01.2018

Source: Association of Bulgarian employers' organizations

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