
The DLR Project Management Agency that advises German applicants on the European Framework Programme Horizon 2020 selected BioSTEP as a good practice example for its innovative and interdisciplinary research approach and the integration of social sciences and humanities in the Horizon 2020 programme. In its recently published brochure "Erfolgreich in Europa: Deutsche Forschende aus den Sozial-, Wirtschafts- und Geisteswissenschaften in Horizont 2020" the DLR gives an overview of the objectives and approach of BioSTEP and other successful collaborative research projects, including  Marie Sklodowska-Curie measures, of applicants based in Germany. The brochure also provides background information on the opportunities for social and humanities scientists in Horizon 2020.

Have a look at the brochure here.

Date: 01.05.2017

Source: BioSTEP

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