
Bojidar Danev in “V razvitie”, 30.12.2016

“5-6% growth of the Bulgarian economy is possible if the spending of public funds is limited in certain areas like security and defense, remediation and others”, said in an interview for Bloomberg TV Bulgaria’s “V razvitie” the Executive President of the BIA Mr. Bojidar Danev.

“According to the requirements of NATO Bulgaria has to spend 2% of the GDP for defense but at this moment we are spending over 4% according to the budget for 2017.”

“Other expenditures, which are incidental to the mature social society are directed to the remediation”, said Mr. Danev.

“2016 had great opportunities for the Bulgarian economy. We weren’t able to capitalize the gigantic advantages, which the development of international events offered: the 50% price drop of fuel (you know what this means to an energy intensive economy), the events in Turkey, Egypt and Tunisia directed additional tourist flows to Bulgaria but this led to a marginal growth of 3%, which was a gigantic advantage. The wars in the Middle East – a chance for the Bulgarian arms industry. If this trend continues and if the crazy spending stops, a modest economy like ours could reach a growth of 5,6%-5,8%-6%.”

“With better management of the Bulgarian economy, 2017 would be much better than 2016”, said Mr. Danev explicitly.

The most important thing is to give peace to business and not to burden it with additional taxes.

Date: 30.12.2016

Source: Bloomberg

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