
The budget for 2017 is totally centralized despite all political promises that it will be decentralized and municipalities will have more freedom.

Last Wednesday the Ministry of finance presented the draft for the national budget for next year and the forecast for economic development until 2019.

“The budget for 2017 is totally centralized despite all political promises that it will be decentralized and municipalities will have more freedom. Again this is not the case for this year’s budget. The budget is strictly cost-based, with a low level of planed growth at 2,6%. We don’t even come close to the average level of Central and Eastern European countries”, said Mr. Bojidar Danev - Executive President of the BIA in an interview for Nova TV.

“We are not going to catch up with other European countries in terms of income. To have income we should have manufacture first”.


Date: 29.10.2016

Source: Nova TV

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