
On the occasion of today’s ‘State of the Union’ speech by European Commission President Juncker, BUSINESSEUROPE President Emma Marcegaglia said: 

On migration

“This was an important speech at a crucial moment for Europe.  We have to live up to our common European values when tackling the asylum crisis and work towards a European solution.  Many companies have already expressed their willingness to contribute to such a solution.

We shall not forget that in view of a shrinking workforce, we will need a constructive approach towards migration.  To face our demographic and labour market challenges, we need more talented people from around the world to regard Europe as an attractive destination to study, work and live in.  We therefore welcome the announced legislative package on legal migration for people to be able to live and work legally in Europe.”

Making Europe strong again

“At the same time, we need to strengthen the European economy in order to deliver a better future to companies and citizens.  Let us not forget that citizens’ scepticism towards migrants often have its roots in economic uncertainty”.

“In a changing world, with many emerging economies stalling, the urgency to do our homework and to make the European economy more competitive has significantly increased. President Juncker’s renewed support for an ambitious trade agenda and the conclusion of TTIP specifically is highly valuable in times when some Europeans have doubts about this key project for Europe. Europe has to play a leading role in further shaping the global trade agenda.”

On the future of the Eurozone

“We welcome President Juncker’s commitment to strengthening the Economic and Monetary Union through implementing the ‘5 Presidents report’.   Governments of the Euro-area must now take bold political steps and strengthen the governance of our common currency.  We need greater coordination of member states’ economic policies as well as better enforcement and implementation of the country-specific recommendations.  We therefore appreciate President Juncker’s focus on these important reform necessities”, Marcegaglia added. 

On COP 21

“President Juncker rightly underlined that a global problem can only be solved at global level. He is therefore right in urging major international partners finally to match the EU level of ambition by concluding an ambitious, robust and binding global climate deal.” 

Date: 09.09.2015

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