
Priorities for 2014


nationally representative organizations of employers

Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria

Bulgarian Industrial Association - Union of the Bulgarian Business

Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce

Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria


In 2014, employers' organizations will prioritize in their work in terms of reducing the administrative regulation of business and quality management of EU funds, tripartite dialogue and the capital market.

In terms of business environment employers' organizations will work to:

  • Reduce and simplify the regulatory regimes;
  • Introduction of a preliminary assessment of the impact of regulations;
  • Decisive progress in the implementation of e-government;
  • Standardization and implementation of a methodology for determining the state and municipal taxes of cost principles, application of the "polluter pays" principle and determination of the amount of solid waste generated by municipal waste;
  • The extension of the principle of acquiescence.

In terms of EU funds priority nationally representative organizations of employers will be the successful completion of the activities under the current programming period and the timely start of the next - 2014 - 2020, by

  • Simplify and standardize the procedures for preparing, filing, project evaluation and reporting on their implementation;
  • Establishing a mechanism for effective, fast and fair settlement of disputes in financial corrections;
  • Redefining the concept of SMEs for the OP "Competitiveness and Innovation";
  • In the programming period 2014 - 2020, to be provided for minimum quotas for utilization by the private legal beneficiaries in any program that can not be broken without the agreement of the social partners;
  • Normalization mechanism for the participation of the social partners with a blocking minority in the adoption of important decisions by the Monitoring Committee;
  • The abolition of the requirement in the development of the Partnership and programs for Bulgaria for the programming period 2014 - 2020 in the composition of the working groups do not include non-governmental organizations, members of the national representative organizations of employers recognized by the Council of Ministers under CT and limit such practices.

In the tripartite dialogue in 2014 nationally representative organizations of employers in Bulgaria will work to:

  • Perception by the public authorities of the proposals made by employers' organizations to change the legislation designed to improve performance and enhance the role of the NCTC.
  • Establishing a mechanism (practice) to obtain normative realization achieved by the national representative employers' and trade union organizations bilateral agreements on labor and directly associated relations, security relations, and on the standard of living;
  • Expanding the partnership between national representative organizations of employers and the government by signing bilateral agreements on the business environment and economic development. Restoration work of the Council for Economic Growth.


Activities of the Association of Employers in Bulgaria (AOBE) in 2014 will be coordinated by the Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria (BICA)



Date: 31.01.2014

Readed: 4584