
The Professional Association of Robotics and Automation (PARA) presents the Bulgarian successes in the field of robotics and automation to the world. The association has 16 legal entities - Bulgarian technology companies, robotics clubs, research organizations, universities, academies, startup accelerators, technology parks, NGOs and institutions with activities or interests in the field of robotics and automation. Through its activities, PARA informs its members about the leading innovations in the world of robotics and automation, opportunities for technology transfer, partnerships in the country and abroad and other areas of interest. The Association presents good practices, models, innovations and strategies implemented by leading companies, research institutions and governments abroad; assists its members in their contacts with potential technology transfer partners, suppliers and customers in Europe, America and Asia. PARA publishes a weekly newsletter on the leading innovations in the field of robotics and automation, as well as an annual report on Bulgaria's successes in the field of robotics and automation. The expert council of the Association prepares technological analyses.

Hristo Gilishtarov
Chairperson of the Management Board
0883 372 984
Yonko Chuklev
Vice President
0896 160 999